Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cuddles at the Party

This is Cuddles. She crawled right onto my legs as I was trying to send something on the internet to my neice. She fell asleep and one of the kids at the party got a pic of her!

Isn't she cute?
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Robber Made to Clean Up His Mess!

I love it! He was held at gunpoint and told to clean up the mess he made! Here's the article:,2933,303429,00.html

Hmmm...wonder where we could find someone to clean up our messes? :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fish in My Hair

I found her. That's good. Now I wish I could just add her to my page so that I can read her site easily. Oh well, maybe I'll figure that out later.

She's so funny... try it: Fish in My Hair

Wow! I forgot about this blog.

My goodness, my gracious, my...., my word,'s an elephant bird. Oh, I's yet another place to blog!

Wow, I wonder how many places I have user names for? Let's see...Xanga, HSB, 360, Blogger, Facebook, MySpace,.... I'll let you know if I can think of any more.

My fav right now though is my wiki sites. PBWiki and Wikispaces. I'm doing educational sites on those. I'm trying to put together some classes for myself and my kids.

Off to find "Fish in My Hair."

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Blog - New Birds

Just wondering what this new blog will look like.

We recently got a new Linieolated Parakeet. She is the sweetest bird I've ever met. She's quiet and cuddly. Today she said her first word! Actually, it was her first human sound. It is the "kiss, kiss" sound! She was so cute. She gave me kisses when she got out of her cage. Then as soon as she got on my shoulder, she said "kiss, kiss." (The sound...not the words. Although, I am working on the words with her.)

My kids get to spend the night at their friend's house tonight. So, I must go and make sure they've eaten and are packing their things. Adieu.